Focusing on the four main skills - Laboratori di Inglese online per i dottorandi che hanno frequentato i corsi del CLA

Il CLA mette a disposizione dei dottorandi che hanno frequentato i corsi del CLA nel 2021 n.2 laboratori online, di livello B1/B2 e di livello C1, della durata di 10 ore ciascuno, che si terranno su piattaforma MTeams.

Le attività di esercitazione nei due laboratori sono gratuite e facoltative.

Non saranno rilasciate attestazioni di frequenza.


LAB Levels B1-B2 (10 h)

Tuesday 10.00-12.00

Thursday 10.30 – 12.30

Codice Teams: ipnpjaw

Lesson 1 (25-05-2021)

Focus on reading

Approaching different types of reading comprehension

  • Multiple choice
  • Fill in the gaps
  • Personal response

Lesson 2 (27-05-2021)

Focus on Listening

Listening to different types of spoken materials including announcements, radio broadcasts, talks.

Lesson 3 (01-06-2021)

Focus on Speaking

Working on the ability to take part in different types of interaction about given topics.

Lesson 4 (03-06-2021)

Focus on writing

Working on two different types of writing.

Lesson 5 (08-06-2021)

Testing students’ different skills.

Reading and Speaking.

Listening and writing.


LAB Level C1 (10h)

Tuesday 10.00-12.00

Thursday 10.30 – 12.30

Codice Teams: z8toaiy

Lesson 1 (10-06-2021)

Focus on reading

Working on different types of texts and publications such as fiction and non-fiction books, journals, newspapers and magazines.

Lesson 2 (15-06-2021)

Focus on Listening

Listening to a range of spoken material including lectures, talks and speeches.

Lesson 3 (17-06-2021)

Focus on Speaking

Working on different types of interaction individually and in a group on a given topic.

Lesson 4 (22-06-2021)

Focus on writing

Analyzing samples answers.

Writing exercises to produce two different pieces of writing.

Lesson 5 (27-06-2021)

Testing the different skills.

Reading and writing.

Listening and speaking.